Monday 22 August 2011

welcome to mombasa

Mombasa is the second largest town in Kenya and is located off the coast of Kenya. It is connected via a ferry to the south side of Mombasa called Likoni, and a causeway to the north called Makupa. The culture and history of the people and town is remarkable. Mombasa is the most diverse town in all of Kenya; Kenyan's of all ethnic backgrounds and religions can be found: native Blacks, Asians, and Arabs who are Muslims, Christians, Hindu and Buddhists. Most of the time visitors to Mombasa have a difficult time grasping the fact that Asians and Arabs, who are all Africans, but not black, have been living on the East African coast for over 500 years. The history and organization on the tour helps put into perspective how all this came about.

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